For me, perfection is a hallucinated context of accomplishment of a particular task or a swarm of the task meant to make me feel happy and satisfied. I find myself 'perfect' in the little things I do with extreme gratification; it gives me a sense of higher impactful achievement of sorts.
For the people who claim to be over-engaged by my future and career, a perfect me is one who accomplishes their expectations even if it means sacrificing my needs, wants and desires.
Since early childhood like with most of you, I was subjected to extreme anxiety to achieve what the society and so-called well-wishers wanted me too. I was jeopardizing if they were correct and maybe I was wrong; a good grade, a perfect study timing, a should have a great appetite for veggies and no-taste fruits, a should be a religious fanatic and what not; I was lost in between finding myself and satisfying them.
I slowly developed a concept of self-blame which I had clearly mentioned in my previous blogs. I wanted to go out, be myself and prove to the world but a bone-crushing pressure of me looking and understanding the world wasn't allowed.
I was completely discouraged to try by myself and but while amidst trying to satisfy others I followed their expectations I was labelled 'loser' and 'imperfect'.
Today while I look back I realize I should have stood up early for my existence, my dreams and my feelings; I was a tad late but nevertheless, I feel gratified that everything is not lost.
To be extremely honest with my readers on creating my blogs I don't take much of my time because I feel I am just penning down what my life exactly made me do. I just go out, connect, understand and probably try to solve someone's else's problems with my blogs. Today when I blog down my experiences and thoughts I feel I can influence another soul, another sufferer, another introvert who couldn't gather the courage to speak and prove. 
I don't write for fascinating people either for likes and comments; I write for understanding what the real world is; how is it possible to deal with anxiety and deprivation?
Perfection according to me should be considered in a more generic manner. Perfection should be "near-accomplishment" of a particular set of programs rather than a complete achievement of sorts. 
The human nature of being perfect in today's world is filled with the filth of demeaning others and their achievements. 
Probably a controversial statement would be if I say how some students try to woo the teachers for better grades and percentage; or still, nepotism is a prolific problem even while cracking a job interview and many other such examples.
Perfection I regard is more a taboo. If I am not satisfied with my achievements and accomplishments then what's the point of doing it. I feel utilizing a bit but having a sense of achievement is a perfect example of being 'perfect'.
It is a well-known fact that we can't satisfy each and everyone then what's the point of doing that. 
For many of you, your happiness might be to achieve your parent's dream and for some, they might find ease with my thinking and of course there's no issue with which someone perceives the world.
Self-love is the best kind of love but the happiness of giving others I feel is more comprehensible, only when they understand your pain and sacrifices; probably that might balance my and your life better.
Perfection for some can be eternal or attainment of a particular religious or spiritual path. On a wider perspective, it might mean the human entity and merging that with God and achievement of service to humanity.
A "perfect human" is impossible to find because each of us isn't gratifying to someone else's senses; why then even try to be such? 
I feel its more important for us to accomplish those tasks which could make you, me and others "not feel" demeaning and demoralizing.
A perfect example of a perfect human is you doing your tasks with gratifying attitude, me doing my best and others thinking for the rest, only then you, I and others could make the world a much better place to live and lesser negativity and oppressive relationships to come by.
Increase your knowledge, not your percentage, improve your performance, not your grades,
help yourself only then you can help others, 
try to connect to the political, social and environmental issues only than somewhere you can be a near-perfect human.
Explain don't argue, 
listen don't just speak, 
learn to laugh at yourself, 
don't demean others hard work and small achievements rather encourage, 
It might mean 'nothing' to you but it might mean 'everything' to them. Don't veil your 'jealousy' by unnecessarily demanding improvements in others work, you might not have known what other's are capable of.
Only then you, I and others will have a near-perfect planet to breathe.
Check our previous chapters:  INTROVERT SPEAKS
Check our other blogs on AQUA-LIFE: AQUA-SPEAKS
Also, check our official page: A THOUGHTFUL VISION


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