Homosapiens being social species like lions and monkeys has a hierarchical approach towards life with patriarchal society being a very common order. With male-dominated society almost everywhere most people love to be with an economically stronger, liberated and socially connected group of peers, which for him is helpful to flex his male-centred power. For females, it's more of the same individuals who are in sync with their thought process and as such develop the peer group. 
To maintain one's need of power in life, an individual and especially an introvert will go to any extent to protect his friend and hence can arise the question to follow and adopt in the realms of the group

For almost everyone, the choice of peer group depends on sometimes their own perspective about life or by the fact of what they need from a certain group. I was never bothered by the choice I made because it happened due to the fact that my guardians had never set any limitations for whom to choose as a 'friend'. I was the one to choose between my friends and foes. It influenced me a lot, it really did, very few turned out to be a real friend and almost everyone influenced me into the wrong decisions of life; which happened because there was no one to guide me. 

Or maybe no one probably cared to guide me; till very recently half a decade back I was in the influence of wrong peer group and used to blame my stars for not being good with me in academics or either in society. 
It took me long to realize how I was into wrong people's behaviour and although subconsciously I wasn't foraging in the happy zone but to maintain the male ego I choose to be with a peer group which has no purpose either any help. I was just being skittish about my satisfaction but couldn't vent out my feelings because of the fear of losing my "friends" and the power. It might have happened with lots of you irrespective of you being introvert or extrovert, but since I wasn't a master of expression and explanation I couldn't resist either stop my group from being self-destructive.

The broader connection between an introvert and the influence of his peer group is probably the inability of the introvert to resist certain group decisions and such lands into the whirlpool of utterly evildoers who have all the qualities of antisocial behaviour.

Today when I rethink that Time of my life when I should have given more time to my grammar and mathematics, I sincerely wasted it upon ridiculous things and people. I couldn't go back and rectify but I can guide and advise the introverts around me who are the readers of my blogs to choose wisely, to be more generous with their future and career.

Parents cannot be held responsible towards my choice of friends but yes a little guidance is what we all expect and want so that unlike me, you my " introvert friend " doesn't carry a sense of self-guilt within himself all throughout his life.

Peer pressure is such destructively addictive that a person can land himself into trouble knowingly but cannot muster the courage to stop it from happening. 
As an introvert, I feel good guidance is what we should all get but yes it's not possible every time and everywhere to be perfect. A true perfectionist is one who is imperfectly perfect, he who can and does have the courage to negotiate any negativity around him; he who is less vocal probably but is more intelligent in choosing his path of life.

I'm not trying to be philosophical when I write such blogs, what I truly believe is that if I and my team could touch a single life, a single soul with our solutions and resolutions we can at least save another life from the suffering. 
We choose to generate interest in the daily problems with the THOUGHTFUL VISION's of me, you and us and hence can entice someone else's attention to save them from the complexity of human emotions which are very difficult to handle alone.

Peer pressure is such an inseparable human attribute that we cannot run away from it. Influence of the peer group to roam then to study, visiting salons, parlours and malls to experiment with our fashion and designer products and to maintain that, if not our parents can actually afford such lifestyles for us or not. It's a very common sight to see people in their 20's getting designer clothing and branded bikes, whereas the father might have a torn out sandal and the mother who couldn't afford a saree for Durga puja. Isn't it our duty to stop, turn around and imagine the pain and anguish our guardians are taking to feed us and shape our career? Is it really necessary to flex our existence with designer clothes and branded watches bought with the hard-earned income of our parents, haven't they sacrificed enough for our existence? Can't we as introverts put a lesson for others to follow us?
Check our previous chapters:  INTROVERT SPEAKS
Check our other blogs on AQUA-LIFE: AQUA-SPEAKS
Also, check our official page: A THOUGHTFUL VISION


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