As a self-declared introvert, I have been subjected to various rules and regulations which by no means had any scientific explanation neither any evidence. I could never raise my voice against it, either because I was afraid to do so or maybe I lacked the verbal skills to do so. 
Tik tokers use "cross-dressing" as a source of income generation for themselves and most of us thoroughly enjoy the obscenity and vulgarity in those videos, but when a real transgender man or woman is right in front of us, we shy away from them. We cross our level of hatred for the very existence of them without even thinking once what might have let them be such or it was their plain natural existence.

Although such existence is irrelevant to the title today my eyebrows get raised when these same people are called for blessing a newborn, where do the hatred, the hypocrisy disappear?

Superstition is malicious in nature itself and holds no ground for the admission of truth; a cat crossing the street is because the cat wants to go somewhere, not because my day is bad, the hand mirror broke today because I couldn't probably hold it properly and not because I am going to have an accident, the total solar eclipse has an existence long before the humans appeared on the earth and not because it did so to put some kind of devilish impact on our lives. We as human beings have to change certain aspects of our thinking. 
Superstitious beliefs not only prevails among the poor but probably is more rampant in the developing world.

We as humans are controlled by virtual reality. It has been created by some people who wanted to have the control in their hands and bring us closure to supreme power and laid the foundation of what we call as a "religion".
What followed religion was a half understanding, half assumptions, half gothic application of the supreme knowledge of religious beliefs and scripture. Few people with malicious intentions broke, mended and implemented these religious practices in their favour hence came what we know it today as "SUPERSTITION".

We as humans are wary of such practices and but consciously we are made to follow such practices, sometimes endorsed and enforced by our elders and sometimes by religious gurus, astrologers or even people who claim that they're in a position to do so.

The relationship between introverts and superstitious beliefs I feel might be a greater tendency for affinity. Since introverts are the little fighters in themselves they like me can vent out their angst through articles like this. 
Voicing out the choices might jeopardize our position in the society and our privacy rights and our definition of supreme energy might be challenged. Our very thinking might be radically challenged and we might be ousted from the "normal society ".

I myself too believe in the supreme energy within me and us. Isn't that GOD? Why should I have to undergo the transition process and fit into "your definition of God"? Why not I and we been given the choice and chance to understand our existence, gather experiences and formulate our thinking to shape "my God ".

On one hand, we say certain religious beliefs were inscribed by "learned men" thousands of years back and on other hand, we refer these forefathers as being "not so knowledgeable and more of a superstitious kind"; then where's comes the logical follow up of such beliefs? Isn't that "superimposed superstition"? 
Many modern days "religious extremists" and self-proclaimed "religious experts" might bash my and yours perception about religion and superstition as being "null and void"; agreed but aren't we taught to believe what we actually see.

Videos surface every now and then in YouTube or Facebook or Twitter or Instagram handles referring to somewhat very humorous doings such as one advising people to slip a leaf of holy basil(tulsi) in the back cover of mobile phones to lower the electromagnetic radiation, or, few religious experts claiming that the earth is flat and is the central part of a solar group, or a religious preacher chanting some hymns and freeing the lady of a devilish control; what we as blog want to do is to draw your attention to rethink your standards and your beliefs; for some, it might be "religion"  and for some, it might be "superstition". Not everything I and you come across has to be the 'truth', right?

Science teaches us humility whereas superstition teaches us radical theories with no proper explanation. Science at least teaches self-doubt with space to at least to question. 
Superstition "enforces" us beliefs.
Check our previous chapters:  INTROVERT SPEAKS
Check our other blogs on AQUA-LIFE: AQUA-SPEAKS
Also, check our official page: A THOUGHTFUL VISION


  1. Wonderfully executed comparison....hats off...each article is a master piece in itself

  2. Betaala hoise r kichu koyaar nai

    1. Thank you Shibraj for more contents like this do subscribe.

  3. Very nice bro... Expecting more such.. keep working🔥

    1. Thank you very much do share it and also dont forget to subscribe.


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